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-(1st Wonder Woman): 1st appearance of the
film's star character.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #1 (1st Modern app)
& Flashpoint V2 #5 (1st app in New 52/Rebirth)
-(1st Steve Trevor)- Diana's love interest in the
first film somehow mysteriously returns in 1984.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #2 (1st Modern app) &
Justice League V2 #3 (1st New 52/Rebirth)
-(1st Queen Hippolyta): Diana's mother will return
in the upcoming sequel,
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #1 (1st Modern app),
Wonder Woman V2 #128 (1st as Wonder Woman) &
Wonder Woman V4 #2 (1st New 52/Rebirth)
Speculation Chances: 100%
Wonder Woman V2 #7 (1st Barbara Ann Minerva aka Cheetah)- Cheetah is one of the villains starring in the sequel.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #9 (1st as Cheetah) and Justice League V2 #10 (1st New 52/Rebirth)
Speculation Chances: 100%
Justice League V1 #1 (1st Maxwell Lord)- Another villain making his debut into the DCEU.
Sub-key: Justice League Generation Lost #1, 2 & 17, Maxwell used his psychic abilities in certain ways that could possibly be done the same way in the sequel relating to Steve Trevor's miraculously return. OMAC V4 #2 (1st New 52/Rebirth) and Wonder Woman V2 #219 (Death of Maxwell Lord)
Speculation Chances: 100%
Sensation Comics #1 (1st Invisible Jet): Wonder Woman's infamous Invisible Plane makes its debut in the sequel's trailer but I didn't see it...true story.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #115 (1st Lansinarian Morphing Disk), Wonder Woman V3 #4 (1st Waynetech Invisible Jet) & Wonder Woman V5 #4 (1st Rebirth version).
Speculation Chances: 100%
-(1st Lasso of Truth): The MVP weapon of all the
decade! Wonder Woman's lasso is doing the
possimpible in this sequel.
-(1st Sky Kangas): Very large kangaroos that the
Amazons rides on. Wonder Woman named her's
Jumpa. I have a feeling that they will show up in
the flashback.
Speculation Chances: 100% (Lasso) & 10%
(Sky Kangas)
Kingdom Come #3 (1st Gold Armor):
Wonder Woman dons her famous gold armor in
the sequel.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #144 (1st app in continuity).
Speculation Chances: 100%
Wonder Woman V1 #95 (Origin of Wonder Woman's
Tiara): We get to see Wonder Woman use her like a
boomerang. Watching her throw it in the trailer brings
back sweet memories of Xena using her Chakram.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V2 #219, Diana used her
Tiara to slice Superman's throat. As I mentioned earlier
Maxwell dies in this issue by Diana when she snaps his
neck. Kinda hoping this will happen but it probably won't
since it's too close to how Man of Steel ended.
Speculation Chances: 100%
Wonder Woman V2 #1 (1st Antiope): She returns in
the sequel's flashback.
Sub-key: Wonder Woman V5 #74 (1st New 52/Rebirth).
Speculation Chances: 100%
OMAC #1 (1st Brother Eye): In the trailer, there were some satellites. Small chance Maxwell could be setting up Brother Eye as a way to mind control the world.
Sub-key: OMAC V4 #1 (1st New 52/Rebirth)
Speculation Chances: 10%
Thanks for reading my speculation guide, hope you'll be able to find some of these keys before they go up in price. For more geek-related info follow Geekpin Entertainment on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Stay geeky, gang.
--The Geekpin
Hey, hot geeks, recently I did speculation comic keys article for Black Widow.
I had so much fun doing that I decided to do one for Wonder Woman based on her upcoming film.
Wonder Woman Comic Keys & Speculations