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Geekpin Entertainment
-First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25
-LGBTQ Key Issue: JSA 80-Page Giant 2010 #1 & Batman: Streets of Gotham #5
4. Mikaal Tomas
-First Appearance: 1st Issue Special #12
-LGBT Key Issue: Starman (Volume 2) #64, Starman/Congorilla #1, & Starman 80-Page Giant #1
-Pride Fact: Mikaal identifies himself as being gay, though he has had sexual relationships with women as well as men.
8. Holly Robinson
-First Appearance: Superboy v4 #1 (Knockout) & Villains United #1 (Scandal Savage)
-LGBT Key Issue: Villains United, Secret Six v3 #36, Birds of Prey #109
5. Anissa Pierce
-First Appearance: The Flash #106
-LGBTQ Key Issue: The Flash v2 #53
-Pride Fact: Hartley was the first gay (and openly) supervillain.
7. Eiko Hasigawa
-First Appearance: Outsiders v3 #1
-LGBT Key Issue: Outsiders v3 #46
Fauna Faust & Syonide III
-First Appearance:
Outsiders v2 #16
-Death: Outsiders v2 #16
-LGBT Key Issue: Outsiders v2 #16
There are so many more Pride Superheroes to talk about that people may not know. Check out our list Pride Marvel Characters if you haven't yet.
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--Swaggy Spunk
-First Appearance: Batman #404
-LGBT Key Issue: Catwoman v3 #6 & Nightwing v2 #97
3. Pied Piper
What's up geeks & geekettes?! We have another "Top 10" list for Pride Month. Same deal as the Marvel one but this time 10 LGBTQ DC Characters. Everyone on this list is canonically an original LGBTQ character.
-First Appearance: Tales of the Teen Titans #42
-LGBT Key Issue: Convergence: New Teen Titans #2
2. Todd Rice (Obsidian)
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10. Joseph Slade
-First Appearance: Catwoman v4 #35
-LGBT Key Issue: Catwoman v4 #39
9. Knockout & Scandal Savage
1. Andrea Martinez (Comet)
6. Grace Choi
-First Appearance: Supergirl v4 #10
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Supergirl v4 #26, #60 & 69
-First Appearance: Doom Patrol #86
-Death: Salvation Run #4
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Doom Patrol v2 #34
Terry Berg
-First Appearance: Green Lantern v3 #129
-Death: Green Lantern Vol 3 #175
-LGBT Key Issue: GL v3 #137 & #154
-Pride Fact: Terry Berg was inspired by creator Judd Winick’s friendship with his The Real World: San Francisco cast member Pedro Zamora, one of the first openly gay men on mainstream television and an AIDS awareness advocate who passed away in 1994.
-First Appearance: Outsiders v3 #1
-LGBT Key Issue: Outsiders v3 #46
-Pride Fact: Grace has sexual relationships with men and women, though she never considered herself explicitly bisexual or pansexual. She described her sexuality as having sex with men, but relationships with women. This would suggest that she is homoromantic bisexual or pansexual.