(Mobile users: For best view input desktop mode)
8. Miguel Santos
-First Appearance: Werewolf By Knight #32
-LGBT Key Issue: Moon Knight v5 #1–2
7. Ayo & Aneka
9. Jean-Paul DuChamp aka Frenchie
Victoria Hand
-First Appearance: Invincible Iron Man v2 #8
-Death: New Avengers v2 #32
-LGBT Key Issue: Dark Avengers #11
-First Appearance: Vengeance #1
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Young Avengers v2 #15 & Avengers v6 #0
1. America Chavez
-First Appearance: Ultimates v3 #1 & Black Panther v5 #8
-LGBT Key Issue: Black Panther v6 #1
-First Appearance: Captain Marvel v5 #16
-Death: Guardians of the Galaxy v2 #24
-LGBT Key Issue: Captain Marvel v5 #25
-First Appearance: New X-Men #115
-LGBT Key Issue: X-Men v6 #8
Geekpin Entertainment
6. Julie Power (Lightspeed)
Hey geeks & geekettes? We have a special Top 10 list for Pride Month. Same deal as the Top 10 list for Black History & Asian / Pacific Islanders Month. This is a list of 10 LGBTQ Marvel Characters. Everyone on this list is canonically an LGBTQ character.
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-First Appearance: Strange Academy #1
-LGBT Key Issue: Strange Academy #9, Midnight Suns #1, Strange Academy: Finals #2–6
Brian Falshworth
-First Appearance: Invaders #18 (as Destroyer) & Invaders #19 (as Union Jack)
-Death: Captain America #253
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1
-Pride Fact: Brian was in a homosexual relationship with Roger Aubrey, making them among the first chronologically gay characters in Marvel Comics.
10. Ying Liu & Shay Smith
-First Appearance: Power Pack #1
-LGBT Key Issue: Avengers Academy #28 & Fantastic Four v6 #12
3. Aldrif Odinsdottir
5. Eloise Phimister
(Negasonic Teenage Warhead)
-First Appearance: Unstoppable Wasp #2 (Ying) & #3 (Shay)
-LGBT Key Issue: Unstoppable Wasp #8
4. Zoe Laveau
-First Appearance: Runaway #1
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Runaways #1, Runaways v2 #7, #8 & #28, Runaways v5 #3, #5, & Avengers Academy #28
2. Karolina Dean
-First Appearance: Age of Ultron #10 (Historically) & Original Sin #5.1 (Chronologically)
-LGBTQ Key Issue: Angela: Queen of Hel #1
-First Appearance: Avengers West Coast #63 (as Living Lightning) & Avengers #675 (as Lightning)
-LGBT Key Issue: G.L.A. #2 & Avengers #675